Searching Omega

Searching for products is a critical component of a website. OMEGA offers 5 comprehensive ways in which to search for products within its website. This help service will show you where to locate each of these search features and how to use them.

 Products by Handbook
 The Virtual Handbooks
 Product Treeview
 Search All OMEGA
 Part Number Search

Products by Handbook
Using this method of searching for products is a mirror image of using OMEGA's traditional hard copy Handbooks. The Products by Handbook method classifies products in 8 general disciplines. Simply click on the appropriate category (i.e. Temperature) and follow the links to the desired product specifications.
View of 8 general disciplines, Temperature, Pressure, Strain, Force, Flow-Level, pH-Conductivity, Heaters, DAS and recorders

The Products by Handbook feature is located on the left-hand sidebar of the home page and appears as shown above.

The Virtual Handbooks
OMEGA offers some products which do not always clearly fit into our standard handbook layout. As a result, we have developed the Virtual Handbook Feature which groups our products by industry category classified in 6 general groups. Simply click on the appropriate category (i.e. Process Control) and follow the links to the desired product.

View of 6 general groups: Test & Measurement, Process Control, Power Monitoring, Environmental, and Lab Equipment

The Virtual Handbook search feature is located on the left-hand sidebar of the home page. It will appear as shown above. Click here to go to the home page.

OMEGA's Product Treeview menu displays our products by product category. In the tree format, our products are listed in alphabetical order for quick and easy access.This feature requires a simple 2 step procedure:
1) In the left sidebar panel, click on the appropriate folder to view its contents.

2) Next, click on the desired document within the folder to view specific models.

The easiest place to find the Product Treeview is on the home page, at the bottom of the left-hand sidebar. Or, click here for direct access to the Product Treeview page.

Search All OMEGA
The Search All Omega feature is a broad, powerful search of the site. It can be found at the top of the page, under the main navigational tabs. To activate the Search All Omega feature, make sure that the "All Omega" radio button is checked. This button can be found to the left of the text input bar. To use the Search All feature, simply type the keyword or phrase in the text box and click on the blue "Search" button to the right of the text box. A series of links will be provided. Note: When using this feature it is preferable to use lower case.

The Search All Omega search will find any page on the site that contains the word or words that you type in the input box. This feature will accept any words that can be found on the site. For example, a search for "thermocouple" would result in a variety of results, including informational articles and products. The word "employment" would call up various links, including a link to all of the employment opportunities at OMEGA Engineering. The Search bar (with Search All selected) is pictured below.

Part Number Search
The Search by Part Number feature is similar to the Search All Omega feature, but it only searches for products. This feature is most useful when you need to find pricing, information and specifications of particular products. This feature is uniquely different from the Search All Omega feature in that it will find any part number even if it is embedded within a PDF.

To activate the Search By Part Number feature, make sure that the "Part Number" radio button is checked. This button can be found to the left of the text input bar. To use the Search By Part Number feature, simply type the keyword or phrase in the text box and click on the blue "Search" button to the right of the text box. A series of links will be provided.
Note:This feature is not sensitive to "CAPS" or dash characters commonly found in our part number nomenclature.

The Search bar (with Part Number selected) is pictured below.


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