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Miniature I/P Electronic Air Pressure Control  

IP610 Series

Miniature I/P Electronic Air Pressure Control | IP610 Series

Miniature I/P Electronic Air Pressure Control

£426.64 IP610-X30

  • CE Compliant

  • Compact Size for High Density Mounting
  • NEMA-4X (IP-65) Enclosure
  • 4 to 20 mA Loop Powered
  • Conduit or DIN Connector Wiring
  • Wall, Panel or Pipe Mounting Standard
  • Optional DIN Rail Mounting Kit
  • Input/Output Ports on Front and Back
  • External Zero and Span Adjustments
Valves, Regulators and I/P Converters - View related products


The IP610 is an electronic pressure regulator that converts a variable 4 to 20 mA signal to a proportional pneumatic output. Its compact housing, accessible ports and easy adjustments provide an ideal answer to applications that are space-constrained. This economical instrument provides precision air pressure regulation to actuators, valves, positioners and other final control elements. An integral volume booster provides high flow capacity, increasing control speed in critical applications. Multiple choices for wiring and porting simplify installation and decrease the time required to do so. In addition to standard wall, panel or pipe mounting, an optional DIN rail mounting kit is available.

Model No. Range
Accuracy Impedance Air
IP610-X15 3 to 15 ±1.0% span 180 Ω 1.8 scfh @
20 to 100 4.5 scfm @ 25 psig
12 scfm @ 100 psig
IP610-X27 3 to 27 ±1.0% span 240 Ω 1.8 scfh @
32 to 100 4.5 scfm @ 25 psig
12 scfm @ 100 psig
IP610-X30 6 to 30 ±1.0% span 240 Ω 1.8 scfh @
35 to 100 4.5 scfm @ 25 psig
12 scfm @ 100 psig
IP610-X60 2 to 60 ±2.5% span 245 Ω 1.8 scfh @
65 to 150 12 scfm @ 100 psig
IP610-X120 3 to 120 ±2.5% span 280 Ω 1.8 scfh @
125 to 150 20 scfm @ 150 psig
IP610-030 0 to 30 ±2.5% span 290 Ω 6.0 scfh @
35 to 100 12 scfm @ 25 psig
20 scfm @ 150 psig
IP610-060 0 to 60 ±2.5% span 300 Ω 6.0 scfh @
65 to 150 12 scfm @ 25 psig
20 scfm @ 150 psig
IP610-120 0 to 120 ±2.5% span 315 Ω 6.0 scfh @
125 to 150 12 scfm @ 25 psig
20 scfm @ 150 psig

Agency Approvals: FM and CSA Intrinsically Safe
  IP610: Class I,II,III, Div. 1, Groups C, D, E, F & G
  IP610-D: Class I, Div. 1, Groups C & D
  (output pressure, does not affect rating)
Input Signal: 4 to 20 mA loop powered
Accuracy: Includes linearity, hysteresis and repeatability
Linearity: ±0.5% of span (±1.5% for zero based units)
Hysteresis & Repeatability: ±0.5% of span (±1% for zero based units)
Supply Pressure Sensitivity: 0.1% of span per psi (±0.02% for zero based units)
RFI/EMI Effect: 0.5% of span change in output pressure per En 61000-4-3:1998,
Amendment 1, Performance Criterion A
Temperature Limits: -30 to 65°C (-20 to 150°F)
Max Flow Capacity: 12 SCFM for all except 120 psi 20 SCFM
Media: Clean, dry, oil-free, instrument air, filtered to 40 micron
Pressure Ports: ¼ NPT female
Electrical Connections: ½ NPT female conduit or DIN 43560 connector
Mounting: Direct wall, panel, 1½" pipe, or optional DIN rail
  Housing: Chromate treated aluminum with epoxy paint, NEMA-4X (IP65) rated
  Elastomers: Buna-N
  Trim: Stainless Steel and zinc plated brass
Dimensions:(offset units) 93.7 mm H x 38.1 mm W x 74.7 mm D (3.69" x 1.50" x 2.94")
(zero based units) 130.0 mm H x 38.1 mm W x 74.7 mm D (5.12" x 1.50" x 2.94")
Weight: 590 g (1.3 lb) or 770 g (1.7 lb) for zero based units
Place Order(Specify Model Number)
Part Number/ Desc.
Availability: 2 weeks
3 to 15 psi I/P converter with conduit termination
Availability: 2 weeks
3 to 27 psi I/P converter with conduit termination
Availability: 2 weeks
6 to 30 psi I/P converter with conduit termination
Availability: 7 weeks
2 to 60 psi I/P converter with conduit termination
Availability: 7 weeks
3 to 120 psi I/P converter with conduit termination
Availability: 7 weeks
0 to 30 psi I/P converter with conduit termination
Availability: 2 weeks
0 to 60 psi I/P converter with conduit termination
Availability: 2 weeks
0 to 120 psi I/P converter with conduit termination
Availability: 7 weeks
3 to 15 psi I/P converter with DIN connector
Availability: 7 weeks
3 to 27 psi I/P converter with DIN connector
Availability: 2 weeks
6 to 30 psi I/P converter with DIN connector
Availability: 7 weeks
2 to 60 psi I/P converter with DIN connector
Availability: 7 weeks
3 to 120 psi I/P converter with DIN connector
Availability: 2 weeks
0 to 30 psi I/P converter with DIN connector
Availability: 4 weeks
0 to 60 psi I/P converter with DIN connector
Availability: 2 weeks
0 to 120 psi I/P converter with DIN connector
Availability: 2 weeks
DIN rail mounting adapter
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
Note: All IP610's come with mounting bracket and complete operators manual.
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