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R and S Type Thermocouple Extension Wire


R and S Type Thermocouple Extension Wire | EXGG-RS, EXTT-RS, EXPP-RS and EXFF-RS

R and S Type Thermocouple Extension Wire

£36.90 EXGG-RS-24-25

  • High Quality Type "R/S" Thermocouple Grade Wire
  • In Stock - Available for Immediate Shipment
  • Choice of Insulation, Wire Gage, & Length
Wire: Thermocouple, RTD, Thermistor and Hook-Up - View related products


Click on this link if you need more information about Thermocouple wire.

ANSI Color Code :Positive Wire, Black ; Negative Wire, Red; Overall, Green

Use the table below as a guide for types available. The "To Order" box contains some examples of popular models. Use the "Part Number Builder" (Below Table) to get pricing for all available models.
Insulation AWG
Insulation Max. Temp* Nominal
Conductor Overall °F °C
Glass 20 EXGG-RS-20 $400 Solid Glass Braid Glass Braid 392 200 .060 x .095 9
24 EXGG-RS-24 390 Solid Glass Braid Glass Braid 392 200 .050 x .080 5
Neoflon PFA 20 EXTT-RS-20 510 Solid PFA PFA 392 200 .068 x .116 11
24 EXTT-RS-24 480 Solid PFA PFA 392 200 .056 x .092 7
Polyvinyl 16 EXPP-RS-16 425 Solid Polyvinyl Polyvinyl 221 105 .118 x .195 26
Neoflon FEP 20 EXFF-RS-20 440 Solid FEP FEP 392 200 .068 x .116 11
24 EXFF-RS-24 390 Solid FEP FEP 392 200 .056 x .092 7

*Maximum temperature is for extension grade wire or insulation, whichever is lower.
Weight of spool and wire, rounded up to next highest lb. (does not include packing material).

Place Order(Specify Model Number)
Part Number/ Desc.
Availability: 2 weeks
50 foot spool of extension grade thermocouple wire, type RS, 24 gage, Glass over Glass insulation
Availability: 2 weeks
500 foot spool of extension grade thermocouple wire, type RS, 20 gage, PFA over PFA insulation
Availability: 9 weeks
100 foot spool of extension grade thermocouple wire, type RS, 16 gage, Polyvinyl over Polyvinyl insulation
Availability: 9 weeks
200 foot spool of extension grade thermocouple wire, type RS, 20 gage, PFA over PFA insulation
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD

Part Number Builder

Build Your Part Number Below
Option Descriptions:

(1) Insulation select from:
GG for Glass
TT for Neoflon PFA
PP for Polyvinyl
FF for Neoflon FEP

(2) Wire Gauge select from:
20 for 20 AWG (Avail TT GG FF)
24 for 24 AWG (Avail TT GG FF)
16 for 16 AWG (Avail PP only)

(3) Spool Length in Feet select from:
25 for 25 Ft
50 for 50 Ft
100 for 100 Ft
200 for 200 Ft
500 for 500 Ft
1000 for 1000 Ft
Note: All combinations may not be valid, check spec sheet for valid part numbers.
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