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Crimping Tools

Crimping Tools

Crimping Tools | Crimping Tools

Crimping Tools

£65.19 MTC-IT

  • Economical
  • Designed for Comfort
  • Rubber-Embedded Handles
  • Heavy-Duty Precision Crimp Tool with Ratchet Action
Thermocouple Connectors and Panel Systems - View related products


Omega’s crimping tools are ideal for many electrical and industrial applications including Omega’s thermocouple alloy pins and sockets.
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Economical crimping tool with ratchet action
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Availability: In Stock
Heavy-duty Crimping tool with ratchet action
Availability: 2 weeks
Ecomomical crimping tool with ratchet action
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Availability: 8 weeks
Heavy-duty crimping tool with ratchet action
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Economic crimp tool with ratchet action
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Availability: 2 weeks
Heavy-duty crimp tool (manual)
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Availability: In Stock
Heavy-duty crimping tool with spring action
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theMTC-IT
Availability: In Stock
Insertion tool
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Availability: In Stock
Removal tool
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Availability: 2 weeks
Crimping tool for brass bushings
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
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